One of the best options for an eating disorder person is the Day hospital Pretoria CBD (Medkin) . The day hospital is a treatment program that starts with a thorough and comprehensive assessment by a team in which a family counsellor, physician, and psychiatrist is included. They help in determining which treatment option will be beneficial for the individual concerned.
There are several other options available, but the most beneficial is the day hospital treatment program which normally lasts about three months.
This treatment program is specially designed for those people who are medically fit but have extreme or complex eating disorders. This treatment program operates eleven hours every day and five days a week. It consists of three meals and two snacks in a day as well as individual, group, and family therapy. And when it comes to junior high and high school students who are suffering from a severe eating disorder, there is also a treatment program as well as a school component so that such students do not fall behind on their studies during the procedure of their treatment program.
Although day hospital programs are designed for those patients who need assessment, surgery, or any other type of treatment within the day time, and after getting the treatment, they return back to home without spending the night at the hospital, people who are from outside of the area or city and need some extra support during the nights, there is also a chance of getting a residential support placement.
The eating disorder clinics also offer outpatient treatment for those patients who needs to get into the day hospital program or who have already completed a day hospital program and are trying to get back to their normal lives. Such programs consist of individual, group, or family therapy in which patients attend the program to help them out with such topics as motivational enhancement, psycho-education readiness, after gare group, and parents & partners support group.
Patients under age 14 who are suffering from a severe eating disorder should attend these treatment programs and can get help from outpatient services. These services are provided by a team of a best dietitian, nurse, psychiatrist, pediatrician, and family therapist. But the patients who are in need of an inpatient program are also helped through such clinics. A Day hospital Pretoria CBD (Medkin) offers great services in terms of outpatient as well as inpatient treatment programs.
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